Thursday, April 24, 2014

Google Smart Shoes


As we all know that, Google is one of the most innovative company in the world, every day their research teams are working on new innovative ideas that  people can't even imagine of. Google smart shoes is one them. The funcationality that it provides is:

  • You can connect with  a Smartphone via Bluetooth  to perform all the task that a Smartphone can do. 

  • They can talk and can tell you what to do according to your body language

The idea of running shoes laden with sensors that improve performance for wearers is not new. In early 2006, Adidas introduced the Adidas 1, one of the first commercially available "smart" shoes. The footwear featured a microprocessor that collected readings from the shoe's movements and adjusted the fitting accordingly. Currently the  focus is on integrating such a shoe system with a "smart" device to provide real-time feedback for athletes. The key hurdle in doing so is creating a sensor that is able to withstand the tough routines of regular trainings and continue to produce accurate information.


The purpose of a smart shoes is to facilitate the visually challenged people so that they can move independently with the help of the navigation system which is installed in the shoes.  It allows the visually challenged people to keep both hands free and lets them listen to what's going on.


The system consists of a Smartphone app connected via Bluetooth to either the Lechal shoes or to a set of polyurethane insoles that can be put inside existing shoes. The shoes or insoles contain a haptic actuator, similar to the sort of vibration pack that attaches to some game controllers. The user sets a destination in the app, which then uses GPS to determine the best route. As the user walks, the shoes indicate upcoming directions via direct tactile sensations: vibrating on the left side of the soles to indicate an upcoming left turn, for example. The shoes can also sense and communicate other information, such as obstacles in the way.


The following technology is being used in Google shoes:

  • Mapping database:
The Google has an extensive mapping database for both  outdoor  and indoor purposes. This information will be leveraged by the android application to calculate control signals for the vibrational motors.

  • Android application:
The Android  application  yields navigation information from Google’s outdoor and indoor mapping  database  and  calculates  control  signals  of  the  6  vibrational  units  at  various moments  of  the  travel.  These  are  relayed  to  the  Bluetooth  chip  embedded  in  the communication module.

  • Communication and Control Module:
The Communication and Control Module uses a micro controller and consists of two units­ Communication Unit and Control Module. The  Communication  Unit  is  responsible  for  receiving  directional  information  from  the Mobile application via Bluetooth. The Control Unit is responsible for deciphering the directional information and turning the specific vibrational unit on based on the directional input.  It is also responsible for outputting a higher voltage to the vibrational unit in cases when the user misses a turn or has reached the destination.

  • Vibration Unit:
The design has six vibration units for specifying six different walking directions­ front, back, Right,  left,  up  and  down.  The  vibration  units  consist  of  vibration  motors  which  take  in control inputs from the Control Module.

This product is still under research  as people are exploring its advantages. It will take time before people become familiar with this technology as it is not an everyday idea that visually challenged people can walk around freely.


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