Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Managed Web Hosting Solutions

Managing a web hosting is just a part of establishing an Internet presence over the internet, installing that website on a server connected to the Internet a web server is how users will actually see the site you've created. A web hosting provider is just like a ServInt, it is a company that owns, operates and rents these web servers, and offers the high-speed connections that quickly deliver web content to end users. 

The process of maintaining the web servers, adding new hardware and software, monitoring the systems, installing security patches, and providing customers with help and support is called Web Hosting Management.

Web Hosting Solutions

There are some Solutions where the web can be hosted

  •          Shared Hosting
  •          Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting
  •          Cloud Hosting
  •          Virtual or Dedicated Hybrid Servers

Shared Hosting

In shared hosting, multiple websites are on the same server sharing the same hardware, connectivity resources and software. For small or very simple websites, this can be an acceptable hosting solution, but from performance and security point of view there are often many issues with such hosting.

Virtual Private Server Hosting

VPS provide customers with more control over their hardware resources, software and access in comparison to shared servers. With a VPS solution, multiple customers are hosted on the same server, but each client has a private area on the server to which critical resources are assigned so the performance of one customer's site doesn't impact the performance of any other site.

VPS hosting solutions are often managed services, which is an important point to remember when selecting a VPS provider. Managed services means the web host is responsible for configuring everything installed and delivered with a new account.

Cloud Hosting

There are further three types of cloud hosting

  • Software as a Service
  • Platform as a Service
  • Infrastructure as a Service

  • Software as a Service

When a customer purchases cloud, they are simply purchasing access to an application, running on someone else's hardware, on some unknown servers. Their experience is divorced from anything beneath the software they are accessing. Word-press installations running on wordpress.org are a great example of this. Customers load their content onto Word-press's site and their blog is live. They neither know nor care what type of hardware or operating system Word-press is using on their back end.

  • Platform as a Service

Cloud Platform as a Service products are one level deeper than Software as a Service. In this, the Platform or programming language environment is offered to the customer, not simply a piece of Software. ServInt's Java cloud product, Jelastic, is a good example of a Platform as a Service. Jelastic is an elastic Java environment where developers create programs and operations in this programing language. Each Java "instance" grows and contracts dynamically based on load. And while the customer specifies what level server resources they wish to commit, all customer accounts exist in the ServInt Jelastic cloud, a network of computers that share the entire Jelastic workload.

  • Infrastructure as a Service

The final step in cloud services is Infrastructure as a Service, in which the Infrastructure itself is offered as the service. Cloud Infrastructure as a Service products are virtual servers, unlike the virtualization system, ServInt uses for VPS. This similarity is one of the reasons why some hosting service providers choose to market VPS-based hosting services as cloud. However they are different. For one thing, cloud Infrastructure as a Service virtualization is typically a hypervisor-based technology, which gives each user kernel access, choice of OS, and much more.

Private Cloud

To avoid cost overruns, many businesses with large hosting requirements build their own "private" clouds in which they control all the hardware hosting their cloud instances. Doing so gives them the ability to support all their business hosting and storage needs on multiple instances they have set up and tear it down according to their will, on a secure platform of their own design that they can control. 

Since they manage their own dedicated hardware and pay for the sole use of it, they pay for their server on a simple monthly basis, rather than tracking and managing the hourly use of multiple, app-specific instances.

Virtual or Dedicated Hybrid Servers

A more affordable alternative to a private cloud is a dedicated physical server running a virtualization layer. These products offer the scalability and flexibility of virtualization, with the safety, stability and predictable billing of a stand-alone host machine. Running a virtualization layer over dedicated hardware allows the customer to easily migrate between host machines in order to scale up and down. Some of today's virtualization systems are powerful enough to provide all the scalability benefits of hypervisor-based cloud Infrastructure as a Service systems without sacrificing the platform stability of VPS or dedicated servers.

VPS VS Cloud.

The challenge with cloud hosting is that it is far more complex to code for and configure than VPS or dedicated hosting. While a single VPS server might house a database, run a web server, an email server and a name server, a single cloud instance is often designed to do one thing at a time and scale that single function on demand.

While it's true that a single cloud instance can run more than one application, doing so would cause the user to lose the benefit of easy instance scaling. Cloud customers fall into two main types: those who have many instances running at any given time, each performing one specific function and each being billed individually, and those who run cloud instances like mini VPSes, paying a premium for a complexity they are not using.

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