Friday, September 5, 2014

Are PhD and Startups Related?

Last month I was attending a startup session called “Women in startups” were they started the presentation by showing a slide with Women in startups written in big font. The slide was there for a while, and unconsciously my brain started interacting with the sentence in bold, "Women in startups" ..  Women in startups ..  startups ..  startups.

Then something clicked and I started realising that my PhD and my newborn startup could be related!! Related….. why not if they have similar DNA?

They both make me go through the same challenges every day. They taught me how to be patient, absorb stress, and end my day with a smile because no matter what happens I have learnt something.

To prove that PhD and startups are genetically connected I applied the following biological unit tests:

Test 1: I have a great idea, that means I own the stage !!

>> Run Test 1 ;
>> test failed: PhD test caused an error
>> test failed: Startups test caused an error

PhD and startups failed the test because having an idea does not mean that people will be keen to hear about it. You have to find a way to sell your idea to them, and convince them that it is the perfect solution for their problems.

Test 2: Is it worth the risk?

>> Run Test 2 ;
>> test passed: PhD test passed
>> test passed: Startups test passed

In both Phd and startups you are passionate about your idea but you can't stop questioning yourself whether it is worth the risk or not.

They both passed the test because they both are worth the risk as you are putting all your effort into making your idea succeed, and are making the most out of the PhD or startup experience.

Test 3: Unconstructive criticism

>> Run Test 3 ;
>> test passed: PhD test passed
>> test passed: Startups test passed

PhD and startups passed the unconstructive criticism test, because there are always people who will criticize your work even if it is perfect. Never let this hold you back, believe in yourself, and don’t forget that there are always more experienced people in the domain.

According to the test results proved we believe that PhD and startups are related.

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